
Delve deeper into the basin's hydrology, entities, and objectives.

The South Platte and Metro Basin Roundtables recently collaborated with the Openwater Foundation to develop a series of Storymaps to help educate people about the important water issues in our state.  Please take a moment to read through these data-rich resources to learn more.  We welcome your feedback and comments on these stories.

  • Story 1 - South Platte and Metro Basin Hydrology - Will Colorado have enough water for our future?  We face significant challenges when it comes to providing for our growing population.  Click here to learn about our hydrology, where our water originates, specifics regarding demand, how water moves in our state and what this means to the South Platte, the state's most populous basin.

  • Story 2 - South Platte and Metro Basin Water Entities - The groups who help manage Colorado's water can seem complicated.  Who and where are they, and what drives their purpose? This storymap gives an overview of the complex fabric of Colorado and South Platte/Metro basin water entities, an overview of Colorado's water rights legal framework and provides links to useful datasets and important water resources.  Click here to learn about the many entities that make up Colorado water.

  • Story 3 - South Platte and Metro Basin Identified Projects and ProcessesMany people have been hard at work to identify projects that can help address the lack of water supply identified in the Analysis and Technical Update to Colorado's Water Plan (the Technical Update, formerly the Statewide Water Supply Initiative "SWSI"), the Basin Implementation Plans (BIPs) and the Colorado Water Plan (CWP). Click here to learn more about the critical projects identified to help address the looming water supply gap in the South Platte basin and the state.