Water Supply Reserve Fund Grant Topic Areas

Requests for Roundtable Letter of Support - Colorado Water Plan Grant Guidance

Water Plan Grant funding is available to make progress on the critical actions identified in Colorado’s Water Plan (CWP) and its Measurable Objectives. WSRF grant funds as match funding for a Water Plan Grant may not be approved unless prior written approval from CWCB staff has been secured in advance of the application submission. Water Plan Grants are administered by the CWCB. Application instructions and eligibility requirements are located here: Colorado Water Plan Grants | DNR CWCB

Applicants for Water Plan Grants are encouraged to obtain a letter of support from the local basin roundtable. In addition, other CWCB funding opportunities may also encourage applicants to obtain a letter of support from the local basin roundtable.

Requests for Colorado Water Plan letters of support from the South Platte and Metro Roundtables can be made as follows:

1. Applicant should consult CWCB deadlines to ensure that a request for a letter of support occurs at a RT meeting in advance of the grant deadline.

2. Send a one-page summary of the project to the Needs Committee Chair at least two weeks in advance of the appropriate RT meeting. The summary should include:

a. Project description, timeline, and budget

b. Grant request

c. Discussion of how the project fits the RT’s and Water Plan priorities

3. Attend the RT meeting. The request will be introduced by the Needs Committee Chair, and you will be asked to provide a brief (less than 5 minute) presentation of your request and take questions from the RT membership.

4. The RT membership will vote on the request for a letter of support.

5. Provide a draft letter of support to the RT Chair for signature in advance of the CWCB application deadline.