The WSRF 2025 Cycle 1 Proposal Summary Submission Period is closed.
All new WSRF grants must be submitted via the CWCB Portal along with the current "Exhibit A (Statement of Work) and Budget & Schedule (Exhibit B)."
WSRF Grant Guidelines (January 2023)
WSRF Application (via CWCB Portal)
Exhibit A & Exhibit B Budget & Schedule (must upload both to the portal in Word & Excel, no exceptions)
WSRF Portal Application How To Video (Basin ONLY)
WSRF Portal Application How To Video (Basin + Statewide)
Colorado's Water Plan Grant guidelines encourage applicants to seek a Letter of Support from the appropriate Basin Roundtable.
The WSRF Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests.
Explore Water Supply Reserve Fund Projects
This collection of interactive maps displays the projects that have been funded by the South Platte and Metro Basin Roundtables’ Water Supply Reserve Funds (WSRF) throughout the years.
You can watch a movie about our South Platte Basin, or scroll around on one of the five project maps to learn more about the projects and download a copy of the project report.
Project web maps are divided based on general project geographic extent (i.e. stream reaches, basin wide, etc.)
Click on image to go to WSRF Projects