Upcoming Meetings

In late summer and through the fall of 2020, the two largest wildfires in state history burned through Colorado. The Cameron Peak Fire burned 208,913 acres in the Cache la Poudre River and Big Thompson Watersheds, critical source watersheds for over one million people, including the Cities of Fort Collins and Greeley. The East Troublesome Fire burned 193,812 acres primarily in Grand County, but also spread to Larimer and Jackson Counties. The Wildfire Watershed Restoration Process Improvement Workgroup was formed following a series of meetings and tours of the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome Fires with Colorado state and federal delegations in May 2021. This report outlines many additions and changes that can be made to the watershed restoration process.

Explore Water Supply Reserve Fund Projects

This collection of interactive maps displays the projects that have been funded by the South Platte and Metro Basin Roundtables’ Water Supply Reserve Funds (WSRF) throughout the years.

You can watch a movie about our South Platte Basin, or scroll around on one of the five project maps to learn more about the projects and download a copy of the project report.

Project web maps are divided based on general project geographic extent (i.e. stream reaches, basin wide, etc.)

The South Platte River: A River Shaped by Use

Click on image to go to WSRF Projects